Cookpad is the largest recipe sharing community in the world with nearly 4 million recipes created by users active in 60 countries. Our purpose is to make everyday cooking fun. Not just because we like food but because we believe that cooking is key to a happier and healthier life for people, communities and the planet. We’ve set up our international HQ in the UK and are operating as a start-up with global ambition. As a Cookpad Ruby developer, you will join our talented global team to deliver Web and API services to end users all over the world.
Senior Ruby Web Developer
You will be expert in Ruby on Rails, love writing tests, and have thorough knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and SQL. With tens of millions of users per month, performance is always in mind and you will be adept at refactoring and debugging large applications.
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The mission of the Cookpad Search team is to help every user find their ideal recipe to cook. As a search engineer you are responsible for everything from infrastructure, ranking, user experience, and data analysis.
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Cookpad’s SRE’s are hybrid system and software engineers who take ownership of reliability, automation, and scalability. The focus is on systems and tools that enable developers to operate and scale the world’s largest recipe sharing community.
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