We are proud Heroku is supporting our community at EuRuKo this year. As a thank you, we like to point you to their blog post on how they prepared for the release of Rails 5.2, and how you can deploy an app on Heroku today using the new Active Storage functionality.
Rails 5.2 Active Storage: Previews, Poppler, and Solving Licensing Pitfalls
Rails 5.2 was just released last month with a major new feature: Active Storage. Active Storage provides file uploads and attachments for Active Record models with a variety of backing services (like AWS S3). While libraries like Paperclip exist to do similar work, this is the first time that such a feature has been shipped with Rails. At Heroku, we consider cloud storage a best practice, so we’ve ensured that it works on our platform. In this post, we’ll share how we prepared for the release of Rails 5.2, and how you can deploy an app today using the new Active Storage functionality.